Let me count the ways. No it's OK.... I'm not going all
I am however, apt to plonk things in vases at a moments notice. This was a first though -I just hadn’t
thought of coriander that way before, even though we are well acquainted.
How pretty
it is! I just love the contrast. Can't not mention nasturtium either, one of my other favourites.
I also love
how it is self-seeding and I don’t even how to think about it. I know it can get a but much at times, but it's easy enough to thin it out a bit.
When this season's lot finishes, I might just fling the seeds along the edge of our front lawn. A coriander hedge? Well it would be pretty when it was in flower at least.
When this season's lot finishes, I might just fling the seeds along the edge of our front lawn. A coriander hedge? Well it would be pretty when it was in flower at least.
The dill is
in flower at the moment too. I might
just give that a whirl too, and plate it up – in a vase.
Cheers for
Thanks for all your Koala comments. I guess
the main thing is for the general public to become aware. The caring is
certainly there. Spread the word.
Considering the fact that I'm totally stunned by
the fact that my little blog has attracted almost 50 followers I'm
thinking about a little giveaway to the 50th follower!
If this should happen within the month of
September, it will be Koala influenced, and yes open to overseas followers as
well. No I can't send a real koala - sorry.
In response:
librarygirl I agree, I don’t see how anyone couldn’t love
**Anne** yes, we are lucky. We spotted another one on the weekend, think
it was a different one too, which is good.
Maria yes, it certainly is lovely to spot one when
we do. We have noticed a large drop in
numbers though. Great for the
children to just accept as normal situation! I wonder if the situation has changed in the last few years.
Fiona from Arbordale Farm no, it does look grim
unfortunately. Do you get any where you
posie blogs Jennie McClelland – hi Posie, and
thanks for becoming a follower! I think
you are the only one from OS who commented, so I’m really pleased that you knew
about September being Koala month. I wasn’t familiar with this book, but I asked
Dr Google and found it. It looks like a
lot of fun! Glad the proceeds for to
Save the Koala. You are correct about the stopping of developments. Wildlife corridors should be mandatory. (love your blog btw, your work is gorgeous).
Kirsty @ Bowerbird Blue – oh really Kirsty? That’s sad, I thought that Vic. was in a better situation. I guess between the
fires, droughts, dogs and human development it’s all bit of a bad mix. They prob. could have coped with just the
first two.
Naturally Carol – hi Carol, and thanks for
becoming a follower too! Totally agree
with the green corridors. Can’t
understand why councils give in to land development so easily. I could rant, but I have just read your blog and I
feel so much calmer now.
Well I am jealous! I have tried to grow coriander but never have any success. It bolts and never self seeds and I never get enough of it. Like you I looove coriander. It's the one herb I've been buying at the moment.
What a lovely arrangement! Have loved nasturtiums ever since I was a 'kid'; we would pick them, suck out the nectar and stuff the flowers in vases (or bottles). Such a cheerful looking flower. I don't know whether you saw a delightful article about koalas in the Sunday Mail last weekend. If you didn't, email me and I'll send you a scanned copy :-)
My favourite herb coriander. Love it and yes mine has gone to flower. Looks so pretty
I like coriander in small quantities as I find the flavour is very strong. One of the most gorgeous herb flowers is sage. It's so pretty.
Anne xx
we love coriander but it doesn't self seed here: too cold I think!
My herbs are in flower at the moment too. Coriander has a very pretty flower and so does Rosemary :)
Oooh Coriander, love the stuff. Have grown it once but it doesn't like the warm weather and No. 1 doesn't like it in my cooking......tough hehe.....
Buying a bunch from the supermarket, is a waste as I use it a couple of times, forget about it and then it turns into a mushy green mass at the back of the fridge!!
Must have another go at growing some...
Claire :}
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