February 27, 2012

Quick Post

I have been having trouble with my little blog.  Not sure what I've done to it.  I didn't think that I had been treating it badly, but it is upset with me for some reason.

This will be my third attempt at posting in the last few weeks.  I can see the posts, but it seems that no one else can...... talk about being private!

Anyhoo - I'll try and publish this one and see how it goes.  Hopefully Blogger will like me today.

cheers Wendy

PS - this is my poor photography skills showing a cute little frog on our washing line recently. 

February 19, 2012

What's this lurking in our backyard?

This is the 2012 nest of a family of these beauties -  Sacred Kingfishers - relations of the Kookaburra.

Who would have thought that an old termite nest (yes we have plenty of those) could be converted into a snugly home for kingfisher babies.
I can hear them all the time when I’m at the chook pen.  Hear them but can’t see them, so they are well hidden from predators.  The adults are beautiful birds and small - only about 20cm in length.
Each year for the past 4 years or so we have noticed that they come back to raise their family here – sometimes on a different tree/termite nest.  Recycling at it's best!
Cheers Wendy

This is the 2nd attempt at posting this - blogger has been having fun & games with me lately!?
librarygirl – I’m sure you have some lovely things to display.
Angela  I will probably take more photos as I have plenty of things still to move along.
Barb Hi Barb and welcome!  Thanks for being a follower and also leaving a comment.
delia hornbook Dee you have found some lovely things lately
Kim Hi Kim and thanks for your comment.  That is lovely that you were able to use your Grandmas’ door for the panty.  That is sentimental recycling at its best I think.
Judith I have to be strong and move things along - there are tougher decisions to make later on I fear!
Dreamer Hi Dreamer, thanks for including me in your blog tag!  Looks like fun, and I will be getting around to it soon.  Now that I’m back at work I don’t seem to have as much spare time.  Funny about that!
saving for travel thanks for your  comment  SFT – it is nice to have things to look back on isn’t it?