The Olympics have been fabulous - however I have been recording and consequently glued to the television with the equestrian events. Best coverage ever!
Having been a horse mad child/teenager/adult for many years, but certainly the last ten as a spectator only - I've thoroughly enjoyed it all. I can remember eagerly watching earlier Games with only very minimal coverage - a touch of dressage here and there and glimpses of show jumping.
These Games seem totally different (in my humble opinion anyway). I cannot believe the detail in both the coverage and the actual competition. Admittedly some of the cross-country obstacles could be considered just a little absurd......
However, it must be said that the skill of the horse and rider combinations are truly amazing.
I know that a lot could be said also about the amount of money involved in such a sport. The cost involved to train and bring a horse and rider to this standard must be truly mind boggling..... and could be considered wasteful in these tough times.
Purely in terms of entertainment. Purely in terms of amazement. ... and purely in terms of the joy of riding ..... I'm loving it! Regardless of who wins. *Although I have to say, it would have been nice to see the 4 Aussies complete it through to the end.*
I'm behind in the the viewing though, so I'm not watching any media coverage until the complete the taped marathon... I'm only up to the very start of the show jumping......
Have you been watching the Games? What's your favourite sport?
cheers for now
Go on - plant a trumpet vine - you'll be pleased you did! They don't take too long to get established.
It is nice and bright. It will be spring before you know it and your garden will be full of colour.
Cindy Lane
Thanks for your comment Cindy (love your blog!)
I am a terrible Australian and haven't been watching. My children are more interested than me!
Lol! Wendy I'll take that as an order! I'll visit Bunnings to see if they have one for sale :-) ( no nurseries left here now just Bunnings) Have enjoyed the equestrian events (also love that female commentator with the very posh voice), but DH has control of the remote and he's switching channels (foxtel sports) constantly which can be a bit off-putting. We've watched weightlifting, lots of swimming, lots of sculling and hockey, basketball, boxing. phew! no wonder the housework is untouched!
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